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Smoking cigarettes

One of the top selling products in the world is the cigarette. Millions of people buy cigarettes from different manufacturers, picking up their favorite brand, every day. It's no wonder that cigarettes rather quickly gained a huge audience of consumers.

According to archaeologists, tobacco cigarettes were well-known and often used by ancient Indians whose tribes lived at North American territory about four thousand years ago. Of course, cigarettes then looked completely different way than we know them, and it was a product without any impurities or chemicals. Cigarette used to represent dry tobacco leafs that were crushed and wrapped in straw or corn leaves, completely natural. True, the original inhabitants of the Americas smoked cigarettes not often, not on smoking-breaks nor boring situations. Smoking used to be a magical ritual of communion with gods and other supernatural forces. Smoking also was used for medicinal purposes.

With ages, tobacco use and manufacturing industry changed drastically. Nowadays everyone knows what a cigarette is, how it should be smoked. Moreover, the accessibility of tobacco cigarettes is board less. Nevertheless every smoker is aware that his hobby can be harmful to their health. Despite the fact that recently active measures are taken by many countries to control smoking by legislation and with taxes, to force people quit smoking is uneasy. It is even impossible. Smokers know their risk and are ready to take it, or at least to try their luck.

The number of tobacco products manufactured nowadays is quite wide. But the most popular among all tobacco products remain to be cigarettes. The number of brands, their tastes and aromas, is increasing with every year, but the most popular conservative brand like Marlboro, Camel and other are certain leaders of the cigarettes market.

Published: Friday, January 18, 2013

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